
Glory Veiled and Unveiled: A Heart-Searching Look at Christ’s Parables is unavailable, but you can change that!

Glory Veiled and Unveiled is a spiritually rewarding study of Christ’s parables that shows students of Scripture how to read the parables in a way that allows the biblical text to interpret the reader. Author Gerald Bilkes believes that when we read Scripture this way, we open ourselves to be transformed by it. An ideal tool for personal or group Bible study, with questions following each lesson,...

and worship Him as the Son of God (9:38). In the process, the man was cast out of the synagogue (9:34; cf. v. 22). It is in light of this that Christ gives us one of the loveliest depictions of Himself in all of Scripture. He reveals Himself with two “I am” statements, saying that He is the “door” (v. 7) and the “good shepherd” (v. 11). These two “I am” statements belong together. As shepherd, Christ owns, guides, and provides for His sheep. As door, He is the one through whom His people enter the
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